
This is my timeline of some important things that have happened in my life.


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    Started my Masters in Computer Science from University of Freiburg.

    I'm extremely excited to finally study Masters in Computer Science. I hope to specialize in Machine Learning.


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    Completed my Bachelors

    Learnt about Electronics in College. Time to move on to Masters.

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    Intern in Ctoan Technologies

    Designed LoRA stack for communicating with client nodes.

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    Got my first Publication in a journal

    I designed an algorithm to reduce handovers in 5G networks. Paper published in Telecommunication Systems by Springer.


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    Completed my Bachelors

    Learnt about Electronics in College. Time to move on to Masters.
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    Intern in Ctoan Technologies

    Designed LoRA stack for communicating with client nodes.
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    Got my first Publication in a journal

    I designed an algorithm to reduce handovers in 5G networks. Paper published in Telecommunication Systems by Springer.