About Me


Hey, I'm Gopalji, a student and a Machine Learning enthusiast. In addition to dwelling among the interconnections of the Neural Networks, I sometimes like to wrap my head around various web development projects. Most of my projects are hobby projects I made during my free time. Some of my important projects are Algorithm for reduction of handovers in 5G Networks, about which I published a research article. Another project, Reversible Multi-Res U-Net Image in Image Steganography was a part of my Bachelors thesis.


I have graduated from Vellore Institute of Technology with a Bachelors in Electronics and Communication Engineering. I am studying Masters in Computer Science at University of Freiburg.


I interned at Bharat Electronics Limited in the summer of 2019, where I learned about production and testing of Radar display systems. And during the summer of 2021, I was an intern at Ctoan Technologies where I implemented a LoRA WAN stack on a low-powered microcontroller for communication between client nodes and server.

Right now, I am on the lookout for internship opportunities. You can download my resume here.

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